Last Book Club
My group and I had an interesting discussion in our final book club meeting. Gatto wanted us to all know what actually happens in the school system and how corrupt it can be. The discussion leader brought up a quote from the book which states, “For true believers, children are test animals” (Gatto 178). I completely agree all my years we are tested in everything and every subject. HESPA, SATS, NJASK, Parcc, etc. I am grateful I never had to take Parcc! With PARCC being useless we discussed how they are going to remove this. It is sad that that people depend on a test score to determine where you want to go in life. For example, someone I know is currently in the process of joining the Coast Guard. He didn’t do so well on the Math portion, so had to take a another test until he received a passing score. It sucks that people depend on a number on the test score to determine if you are going to graduate or not or if you are intelligent or not. Colleges look at S...